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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Birthday Mom

Hari ini Mom ultah, dah tua, dah ampir kepala tiga.....Birthday
Flash back apa aja yang dah Mom lakuin selama ampir 30 tahun ini......Hhhhmmmm Thinking
LahirIt's A Smiley! bayiMom And Baby balita, anak, remaja, dewasa Aging Woman (really? R U sure?)....
Playgroup, TK, SD Teacher SMP Studying SMA Student Head Explodes kuliahBackpack Graduation kerja..... Cubicles Construction
Pacaran Love Boat nikah Bride & Groom Husband And Wife hamil Pregnant Smiley punya anak...... Mom And Baby Family
Nebeng ortu sampe nikah n punya anak.....pindah ke rumah sendiri....... Welcome Home

Nothing extra ordinary banget ya.....
Mom's life is so ordinary, nothing special.....Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

Hhhhmmmm waktu Pop ultah, Pop juga bertanya2 n bandingannya Pop terlalu tinggi buat Mom......Ngebayangin untuk ngebandingin diri ma "org2 itu" juga gak pernah.....Krn pasti gak akan sebanding.....

One lived in their own way of life..... They give donations to themselves, family, environment, religions, nation, the world in their own way, but had I gave my donations to all of the above? Hhhmmmm let others be the judge of that.
Sadly, in my own opinion, I hadn't done anything useful for others in my almost 30 years of life.
I just did my day to day life as it was. Happy with just the way I am.
Should I change the way I think?
Should I be more ambitious in life?
Well maybe I should.

Some close friends of mine said that I was too ignorance...sometimes they almost thought that I just didn't care much bout my surroundings.... Sometimes when I walk, I just go straight and not paying any attention to what happened on my right or left side, who walks beside me, who come accross me....that's why many times I didn't have a clue what my friends were talking about, that we came across this person or that person, or a movie star, or a celebrity......I just didn't care......Minding my own business. I Don't Care
Is it wrong? Correct Me If I'm Wrong
At the office, when others talk bout anything that did not concern me, I just kept my mouth shut and kept working, typing, chatting etc without any interest on being involved.
Is it wrong? Correct Me If I'm Wrong

On this day, I just pray to 4JJ l SWT to give His forgiveness on everything that I've done wrong in the past 29 years, I pray for His bless to accompany me in any place I go, I pray for His guidance on being a more shalehah person for me and my surroundings, a more shalehah wife for my darling husband, a more shalehah mom for my cutie little son and his brothers/ sisters to be, a more shalehah daughter for my parents and inlaws, more shalehah sisters for my siblings, a more shalehah moslem for my religion and best of all a more shalehah woman for 4JJ l SWT and His Prophet, Muhammad SAW......Amien..... Muslim Woman
In The Name Of Allah I pray, may 4JJ l protect me, my husband, my son, my family from the disturbance of satans, devils, deadly animals or deadly illnesses.
I pray, may 4JJ l gives His lights in our (me & my husband) heart and soul to guide our child(ren) to stay on His path, may 4JJ l gives His bless to our little family to always be strong, to stick together in fighthing whatever comes in front of us or between us, may 4JJ l help us in keeping the love, affection, care, etc between me and my husband, us and our child(ren), us and our parents so we can get together again in eternity in His heaven up above....someday.....
Amien...Amien Ya 4JJ l....

Kebetulan ultah Mom tahun ini pas hari terakhir libur lebaran kantornya Mom n Pop, jadi K bisa seharian ma Mom n Pop di rumah.....
Kebetulan Uti n Budhe Etenk juga ada di rumah, n kebetulan juga Mbak Binti dah balik dr kampung pas hari ini.
Mau kemana ya......Emang sih ultah bukan waktunya foya2, malah ultah itu harusnya ngingetin kita kalau umur kita bukannya bertambah, tapi dikurangin satu ma 4JJ l....Bukannya harus berfoya2 tapi malah harus makin memperbaiki diri karena dah makin deket ke tempat peristirahatan (bener istirahat?) terakhir.....
Gak kok....gak mau foya2......cuma mau berbagi sedikit ma Pop, K, Abah, Nema, Uti, Budhe, adik2nya Mom n sedikit sdr2nya Pop.
Sayangnya Wa Unik, Mas Rafa, Eyang Sri yg kebetulan ke rumah juga hari itu gak bisa ikutan krn pada gak tega ninggalin yang di rumahnya.

Akhirnya abis Maghrib (krn Abah, Uti n Budhe Etenk shaum) kita berangkat ke Ikan Bakar Tarjo.
Gak banyak juga yang ikutan selain kel inti, ada Mami Etty, Oma Meiske, Umi, Abah Irien & OmO.
TaKa, OmO, TaThil n OmMas baru aja dari Dufan (K gak diajak...huahuahuaaa) langsung ke Tarjo....Dasar gak mau ketinggalan banget kalo yg namanya makan2.
Pop as usual gak bisa ninggalin kamera n handycamnya....Tapi yg kebagian tugas jeprat jepret TaThil....hehehe....
Ini sebagian hasil jeprat jepretnya.....

N finally kita semua bubar jalan pulang ke rumah masing2 dengan perut kenyang n hati riang... Big Smile



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